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Find the right digital certificate for your organization.

Prove and protect your identity, secure your data and communications, and safeguard against fraud.

IoTT Device Security

Device Security (IGC-FBCA Medium)

Authenticate to and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data and communications exchanged between devices in the field.
Digital Signing & Sealing

Digital Signing & Sealing

Use identity-based certificates to secure documents with digital signatures and incorporate digital professional or agency seals.
DoD ECA Programs

DoD ECA Programs

ECA certificates enable contractors to authenticate to DoD information systems and secure communications via signed and encrypted email.
eNotary Programs

eNotary Programs

A notary public can use identity-based IGC certificates to perform electronic notarization of documents by applying digital signatures.
EPCS Prescribing

EPCS Prescribing

IGC certificates comply with DEA regulations for EPCS and support Health Information Exchange and DirectTrust Partnership for Patients.
FATCA IRS Reporting

FATCA IRS Reporting

Use trusted identity certificates to safeguard data and comply with FATCA when reporting on the value of foreign financial accounts and foreign assets.
State & U.S. Government Local Agencies

Federal, State and Local Agencies

Use Identity-based certificates for digital signing, digital sealing and to secure your email”
IGC Federal Bridge Certified

IGC Federal Bridge Certified

IGC Certificates provide government trust under the U.S. Federal Bridge Certification Authority (FBCA)
Publicly Trusted

Publicly Trusted

TrustID certificates are publicly trusted, assuring the identity of people, web sites and businesses when conducting online commerce.
Secure Email (S/MIME)

Secure Email (S/MIME)

Protect confidential communications by using digital certificates to ensure the integrity of email messages and encrypt email contents.
Website Security

TLS/SSL Website Security

TLS/SSL certificates secure domain names and organization identities, allowing online transactions to be conducted with complete assurance.
Code Signing

TrustID Code Signing

Establish trust and greater level of confidence for your customers with respect to the integrity of your code signed software applications.