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Updating Company Address on an Application and Certificate

How to video on changing company address on an IdenTrust application and/or certificate.

Video Transcript
What To Do?: Account information changes and updating certificate information.
Hello welcome to IdenTrust, you may have encountered an issue with information listed on the certificate.
For example the name, company information, physical or email address could have changed.
In these situations, you will need to reapply and start the process over, as the information on the certificate cannot be changed or edited.
To begin the process, you will need to revoke the current certificate and then reapply.
For DOD ECA certificates:
The certificate holder can Revoke the Certificate by a Signed email or send a Notarized letter with the Revocation Request on company Letterhead.
Some Authorized individuals, with appropriate security clearance, can also request certificate revocation including the Trusted Agent who performed the identity confirmation, a Trusted Agent of the subscribing organization, the DoD employee and the PKI Sponsor.
For IGC certificates:
The Certificate holder can Revoke via the Certificate Management Center, a signed email or Call Support for the revocation Request.
For TrustID certificates:
The user has an Individual Identity certificate - The Certificate holder can Revoke via the Certificate Management Center, send a signed email or Call Support for the revocation request.
The user has a Business Identity certificate - The Certificate holder can Revoke via signed email or Call Support for the revocation request.
The user has a TLS/SSL Certificate - Certificate holder can Revoke via signed email or Call Support for the revocation request.
If you have an IGC or TrustID Individual Identity certificate and want to revoke your certificate via the IdenTrust Certificate Management Center, you will need to log in to the Certificate Management Center by visiting, click on My Account. You will need to use the account number and account password and click login. From Manage Your certificate, click the drop-down and select Revoke Your Certificate. You can then choose a revocation reason and click next.
Once the certificate is revoked. Please Call Support to reach a live agent for Certificate Voucher requests as we will need to go over your Options on the reapplication process. A Voucher is not Guaranteed as this process will require a new application.